You use your air-conditioning unit almost every day to stay comfortable during the hottest months, but do you fully understand how it works? Unfortunately, there are several myths and misconceptions about AC units that could lead to a costly AC repair bill. So, we’re debunking some of the biggest myths before your next AC tune-up.
Myth: A Larger System Means More Power
False. While the physical size of an air conditioner may seem like a good indicator of its capabilities, it doesn’t always measure up to your home’s specific needs. If you feel that your air conditioner isn’t up to par, don’t automatically assume that you need a bigger unit. Instead, consider whether it’s installed correctly and well-maintained.

An AC unit that’s too big will constantly short cycle and not work as well as a unit that fits your home’s size. Your home will cool quickly, but your unit won’t remove the humidity like an AC sized right for your home.
The fact is, bigger isn’t always better. Have a professional HVAC technician to help you size up your unit correctly, and you’ll save money on your energy bills and avoid frustrating AC repair call-outs.
Myth: The Thermostat Can Be Placed Anywhere
False. No, your thermostat can’t be placed anywhere. Your thermostat needs to go where it’s not affected by direct sunlight or elevated temperatures. If your thermostat is in an area where sunlight hits directly, it could be reading the temperature in the room higher than it actually is and turning off the air conditioner when you still need it to run.

While your thermostat needs to avoid bright light, you should also ensure that it isn’t in an area where there are drafts from opening doors or windows. This could cause your thermostat to read the temperature as lower than it really is and kick on your air conditioner when you don’t need it to run.
Myth: You Only Use the Furnace in The Winter
False. You may think that your air conditioner and furnace are two completely separate systems, but this isn’t the case. In fact, there are many ways in which they work together.
Primarily, the blower fan in your furnace is what moves air throughout your home for both heating and cooling. It’s just that on hot days, it blows across the evaporator coil instead of the heat exchanger.
Myth: Setting Your Thermostat Lower Will Cool Your House Faster
False. It’s a common misconception that your air conditioning system will cool your home faster if you set the thermostat at a lower temperature. However, by setting it any lower than the temperature of your current surroundings, the reality is that you’re simply causing the AC to run for longer until it reaches the desired temperature.

Setting your thermostat at a lower temperature than you actually need will not only cost you more money (because your AC will run for longer) but also cause unnecessary wear on your system. It’s best to leave the temperature at a comfortable level while you’re home and use a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature.
Myth: Closing Vents in Select Rooms Will Save Money
False. All ventilation is essential for your HVAC system. The whole point of an HVAC system is to keep a steady, regulated temperature throughout the entire home—that means that all the ducts and vents need to be working together.
If you close some of them (especially in one room), the system will have to work harder to make up for it. This is because when air isn’t flowing through all the ducts, there’s less pressure on the system, and it will need more power to push air through at a faster rate.
Myth: I Only Need an AC Tune-Up When I Have a Problem with My HVAC System
False. It’s a good idea to have your air conditioning system inspected and serviced by a professional at least once a year.

Why should you have your AC tuned up? After all, if it’s working now, why bother? Well, there are two main reasons.
1) Get more life out of your AC unit
2) Save energy and money!
Need an AC tune-up for your Sacramento and East Bay home? Contact the HVAC professionals at Bell Bros and keep your cool this summer.