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Best Thermostat Settings for Summer

If you’re always arguing with everyone in your household over the thermostat, you could be driving up your energy bills while everyone fusses with the temperature. No one wants to be hot and sweaty in their own home but sitting around in sweaters on a hot summer day isn’t any more fun.

Fortunately, you can end all the frustration with the best thermostat settings for summer. Learn how to program your thermostat for the perfect balance between comfort and cost-efficiency.

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Yes, the Best Recommended Temperature Setting is 78°

According to experts, the best thermostat setting for summer is 78°F. This temperature is cool enough to keep people comfortable, but not so high as to drive up your energy bills.

That said, everyone has their own perfect temperature, and getting on the same page can be difficult. What may be too hot for some people, could be cold for others. You should work on getting everyone acclimated to the 78°F by raising or lowering the temperature by a degree or two each day. Over time, your household will adjust.


There are other ways you can acclimate everyone and save on your energy bills at the same time. When we sleep, our temperatures drop naturally, and we become more tolerant of the heat. You can reduce the temperature overnight to give your AC a break and lower your energy consumption.

There are perfect Thermostat Settings for Summer.
Another good habit is to turn the temperature up when you leave for the day or when you’re out of town. Your AC can rest, and you won’t have to worry about anyone complaining that it’s too hot.

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Keep in mind, if you have any dogs, cats, or small animals in your home, you’ll have to be mindful not to raise the temperature too much. These animals require temperatures lower than 82-85°F to keep from overheating.

How to Regulate Your Own Body Temperature

Everyone wants to save on energy bills, but there’s no point in having an AC if you still feel overheated. Some people “run hot” and need lower temperatures to feel comfortable, not to mention that your home’s sun exposure and your local climate can impact how cool your house can get.

So, if you feel like 78°F is too high, consider these tips to stay cool:

  • Use your ceiling fans or standing fans to get a breeze and recirculate the air
  • Take a cool shower during the hottest part of the day and before bed
  • Avoid turning your oven on in the middle of the day

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is a necessary part of regulating your temperature. If you’re dehydrated, you’ll feel warmer and struggle to cool off.

Making sure you and your kids are drinking enough water can help regulate your internal temperature.
Keep in mind, you sweat more in the heat, which loses some of your body’s fluids. So, if you’re not replenishing those fluids, you could get dehydrated quickly. Be sure to drink whenever you feel thirsty and get plenty of water and electrolytes if you’re sweating or exercising in the heat.

Dress for Summer

If your preferred summer wardrobe consists of tanks and shorts, you’re not cooling yourself as effectively as you could be. Having a lot of exposed skin on a hot day actually raises your body temperature and puts you at risk of UV damage from the sun.

Summer is not the time to be wearing sweaters and joggers. Instead, dress for the summer season.
On hot, humid days, choose loose, lightweight clothing in natural fabrics like linen and cotton. This allows your body to release heat and ventilate, which keeps you cool. You should also avoid wearing dark colors that absorb the heat and sunlight.

Babies Need to be Kept Cooler

The ideal temperature works for adults, but it’s not low enough for babies. Because babies can’t regulate their own body temperature like adults, they can overheat quickly. This can be a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Children need to be kept cooler than adults, they can't regulate their internal temperature.
Babies should have an ambient temperature around 65°F to 74°F. They can’t cool off easily in the heat, and if the temperature drops, they lack the fat reserves to keep themselves warm.

You should also avoid overheating your baby by bundling them up. Using heavy clothing, bedding, or hats and bonnets holds the heat in, and your baby can’t just take off layers if it’s hot. Use light clothing and a sheet instead of a blanket.

Regulate Home Temperatures with a Smart or Programmable Thermostat

Reducing your energy bills begins by reducing your thermostat temperature. There are many ways you can save, even if you’re still trying to get everyone comfortable at the ideal temperature.

A programmable thermostat can help regulate monthly bills.
A smart thermostat goes a long way to helping you optimize your home’s temperature though out the day. Instead of worrying about turning the thermostat up before you go to work and returning to a hot and muggy house, a smart thermostat lets you program the temperature according to a timer.

For example, you can set the thermostat to cool down about a half hour before you come home. Your house will be cool, but you’re not wasting all that energy to cool it down all day when you’re not there.

If you’re interested in getting a smart thermostat, contact the experts at Bell Brothers!

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