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This is the Year!

How Rain Affects Your Outdoor CondenserWhen we look at weather patterns across the U.S, we’re truly lucky to live in Sacramento. While the temperature may dip from time to time, we don’t see extreme rain, winds, or cold. That being said, our summers can get extremely hot an air conditioner can be the difference between life in death in some extreme situations. Since all central AC systems require an outdoor condenser, we’ve had a few questions about how rain affects your outdoor condenser. Read on for the answer!

How Rain Affects Your Outdoor Condenser

If you have central cooling, your condenser lives outside. There’s no way around it. This means you have a vital piece of your HVAC system exposed to the elements outside of your house. Sacramento and East Bay homeowners you have nothing to worry about though.

Modern outdoor condensers, and the parts inside, are made of copper, aluminum, strong plastics, and other materials that are not susceptible to rusting. This combined with the very moderate rain levels we see in both our locations mean the elements won’t do any damage to your outdoor condenser. Despite this, you don’t get a full pass to just forget about your condenser.

While we don’t see big winter storms, we get a lot of wind in our area. After  every windy storm, its best to conduct a quick visual inspection of your outdoor condenser. Are there any visible debris protruding from the machine? If it’s safe for you to do so, pull them out any debris to help keep everything running smoothly.

Should I Cover my Condenser?

An AC condenser is one of the rare occasions where less is better. We appreciate our proactive homeowners who want to take the best care of their system. But when it comes to the condenser the best thing you can do is to not cover it.

We hear of homeowners who think it’s best to wrap a cover or tarp around the condenser. At Bell Brothers we advise you to not do this. Unless the system is well ventilated, a cover can trap moisture inside your condenser, leaving it vulnerable to mold growth.

Schedule a Tune-Up to Take Care of Your AC

Hands down, the best way to take care of your AC system is by scheduling regular tune-ups. Once per year, a Bell Brothers HVAC expert will come to your home and inspect your entire air conditioning system. At Bell Brothers, we beat our competition with our 26-point AC Tune-up. This allows us to test and clean every part of your system to ensure a season of comfortable air and safe operation.

Our techs will also make sure to change your air filter—if you have a filter you want put in there, our technicians can assist putting it in, they’ll get the work done.

Bell Brothers is a top-rated company and when you schedule an appointment, you’ll see why we’ve been in business for almost 30 years. If you’re in Sacramento or the East Bay, call the number at the top of the screen, or click here to reserve an appointment online.

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