Our Blogs
The 411 On Preparing Your Plumbing For Winter In Northern CA
Northern California winters are kind of a unique thing, if you ask me. The vast majority of us in our area don’t really live up
Why Your Furnace Smells Sweet? HVAC Odor-Related Issues
I have a lot of fun associations with wintertime from back when I was just a kid. Yessir, when I think of the winter, I
What You CAN and CANNOT Put Down the Garbage Disposal
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With the holidays coming up, your garbage disposal is going to be working overtime. With all that food prep and plate scraping, it’s important to
The Best Window U-Factor For Your CA Homes Energy Efficiency
When it comes to making sure that none of the conditioned air that is being produced by your HVAC system is escaping through your windows,
Avoid Common Bathroom Sink Drain Installation Mistakes
I’ve always had a whole lot of respect for people who can do a thing themselves, whether that thing is car maintenance, woodwork, or even
How to Spot Common California Sewer Issues from Winter Rain?
California is not a place typically associated with rain, at least not like the other West Coast states of Oregon and Washington. No, here in
Furnace Won’t Turn Off, Blows Cold Air: What to Do?
Recently, we had a problem with our garage door. The mechanism that makes it open and close with just the push of a button stopped
3 Cool Tips to Reduce Your Gas Bill in Winter Without Freezing Out Your Family
Have you ever heard that old cliche that folks like to throw around: There’s more than one way to skin a cat? Now that I
6 Tips to Prepare Your Furnace for Winter
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When the leaves start falling, we begin looking for ways to keep our homes cozy and comfortable without spending a fortune. And the best place
“Does Sacramento Add Fluoride to Its Water?” Steve in Sacramento, CA Asks an Expert Plumber
Steve in Sacramento is worried about the purity of his water. He asks: “I listen to a lot of podcasts because it’s an easy way
A Homeowner’s Guide to the Different Types of Energy Efficient Windows
When it comes to saving money on your utility bills by making your home as energy efficient as possible, most folks that I talk to
The High-Efficiency Furnace Tax Credit In CA: You Should Know!
Have you ever had your friends recommend something to you so often that you eventually started to just tune them out? I bet you’re nodding