It’s a common fact, pets are more than companion animals, often times they become part of the family. The joy of pet ownership knows no bounds, until you think about your HVAC system. As great as they are, pets require a lot of maintenance. Between feeding, grooming, walking, and quality time, it’s hard to add more responsibilities to the pet plate. Despite all this, it is possible to have a clean and functional home with pets and HVAC system.
Regularly Change Your Air Filter
We can’t say it enough, but the best thing you can do for your home air is to regularly change your air filter. All air that circulates through your home first passes through your air filters. The air filter catches microscopic particles that can contaminate any treated air from your HVAC system. In addition, the air filter catches dust, dander, and pet hair. All animals—even the hypoallergenic ones—shed. And a good chunk of that hair can end up in your air filter. If your air filter is clogged with too much pet hair and dander, it won’t be able to pull contaminants from any treated air. We recommend changing your air filter at least twice per year; once before the furnace season and once before the AC season.
Keep Ducts and Vents Clean
If you have a central heating and cooling system, your treated air travels through a maze of ductwork before it enters your home. Ductwork plays an important role for your Heating and Air system; it makes sure your air travels directly and safely to your home. Unfortunately, over time and use, small cracks and tears can form in your ducts. These small perforations can allow dust, dander, fur, and other indoor air contaminates into your HVAC system. If you have an animal that sheds a lot, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment to have your ductwork inspected. This same theory also applies to the vents in your home. Pet hair can get caught in and around the vents, which will contaminate any treated air. We recommend doing a quick scrub or vacuum of your home’s vents once every week.
Routinely Vacuum Your Carpets and Clean the Floors
A dog’s favorite day is one when they can roll around outside and play in the dirt. But they usually track that dirt inside. Nearly all dogs need walks and need to be outside for a portion of the day, when they go outside they can bring in a lot of dirt, sand, and anything else they pick up in their fur or on their paws. A great way to keep your pets and HVAC in check is to routinely vacuum the carpets and clean the floors.
Keep Your Furry Family Members Well Groomed
If your pet is a shedder, keeping up on grooming and brushing is key to maintaining a healthy household. As your pet sheds, those stray hairs can easily end up in your ductwork or stuck in your vents. Also, routinely bathing your pet is important to keeping stray hairs out of your HVAC system. This will also help with any outdoor debris your pet may track in.
Pet Proof Any Wires
Cats and dogs love to chew, there’s no way around it. Whether it’s a toy, or something they find around the house, chances are it’ll end up between their teeth. While you don’t need to worry too much about any exposed wiring from your furnace, the concern comes into play when you consider an outdoor condenser. There are a few important lines that lead from the condenser into your home. One of those is your refrigerant line. While it’s necessary to keep the line insulated, you might want to look into a way to keep animals away. A small fence is aesthetically pleasing and helps block any bites.
Want Some Further Help with Your Pets and HVAC?
If you have more questions about how the affects of pets and HVAC, we’re here for you. Our expertly trained technicians know how to maintain a healthy indoor air quality, no matter the situation. To meet your home comfort expert, call the number at the top of the screen or click here to book an appointment online. Bell Brothers proudly serves Sacramento, Stockton, Vacaville, and Hayward parts of the East Bay Area.