During the hot, dry Sacramento summers, your home’s AC unit is essential. It keeps your home cool and you and your family comfortable. So, when it starts to get up there in age, you may wonder whether you should continue to repair it or get a whole new system.
There are numerous factors that determine whether it’s better to repair or replace your AC unit, including its age, its energy efficiency, and its condition. Fortunately, the pros at Bell Brothers are here to help you choose the best option.
Important Considerations
How Long Are You Staying at the Specific Home?
If your current home is your forever home, there’s no reason you can’t replace your AC unit as soon as the time comes. If it’s older or struggling with constant repairs or inefficiency, it may be a smart investment to simply spring for a brand-new one.
How Old is My AC Unit?
Your AC unit is built to last between 10 and 15 years, or more with good maintenance. It’s a big investment, but one you can rely on for a good period of time.
If your AC unit is under 10 years old and has good efficiency and performance, it’s best to keep it as long as you can. A few minor repairs are small compared to the cost of upgrading to a whole new system.

What Are the Costs of My Energy Bills?
AC units have come a long way in recent years. All AC systems have a SEER rating to determine efficiency. Systems that were built in the 90s only needed a SEER rating of 10, fast forward 20 years and modern systems are now SEER rated at 20.
There are other factors can impact your AC unit’s efficiency such as its size, condition, and overall performance, all of which can increase your energy bills.
Does My Current AC Meet My Needs?
It’s vital to choose the right size AC system for your home’s size and cooling needs. Try to get a system that’s as close as possible to the appropriate size.
If your unit is too small, it will have to work harder to keep your home cool, taking a lot of abuse in the process and still failing to keep your home comfortable. Likewise, a unit that’s too large will use more energy and take more stress, while also failing to dehumidify your home properly.
If you’re not sure the best size for your home’s AC unit, the pros at Bell Brothers can help! We’ll evaluate your space and energy needs to determine the appropriate unit for you.
When You Should Repair
An AC unit is a big investment for your home, and one you hope to have for a decade or longer. It makes sense to get small repairs and annual tune-ups to keep it going as long as you can.

When You Should Replace
The $5,000 rule applies to replacing your air conditioner as well. If the age of your unit multiplied by the repair estimates exceed $5,000, it’s more cost-effective to get a brand-new system and ditch your old one.

Are you looking for AC replacement, repair, or maintenance in the Sacramento and East Bay areas? Contact the pros at Bell Brothers to schedule your appointment!