Repair or Replace Air Conditioner, Which One Is Better?

During the hot, dry Sacramento summers, your home’s AC unit is essential. It keeps your home cool and you and your family comfortable. So, when it starts to get up there in age, you may wonder whether you should continue to repair it or get a whole new system. There are numerous factors that determine […]
Why Sacramento’s Wild Weather Isn’t Damaging Solar Panels?

Most folks think about AC in terms of money: Am I getting what I paid for? That’s the driving question behind every tune-up, every repair, and every replacement. Is a new system worth the high cost of installation? Is a repair now better in the long run? Why am I spending so much on utilities […]
Diagnosing AC Issues: 6 Signs AC Might Be A Goner In Summer

Every summer we see a worst-case air conditioner meltdown scenario: a system that dies beyond repair in the middle of the hottest time here in the Valley. To quote one of our clients, “It really sucks,” and we couldn’t agree more. Compounding the unfortunate nature of these situations is the fact that, in many cases, […]