Condenser Maintenance Checklist: 4 Ways to Prevent Condenser Problems This Summer
Your condenser is a key player in keeping your home cool. It may sit outside the house, an isolated box in the back or side yard, and you may not think about it much. But it’s working hard for you every day you use your AC, and it deserves a little TLC from time to […]
Has Dog Urine Damaged Your AC Condenser? Troubleshooting Common HVAC Problems
It’s the little things that stack up, and often you don’t even know what they are until they’ve already reached the ceiling. HVAC is pretty straightforward, but there are some weird things that aren’t intuitive (even to us!). In addition, there are some things that most homeowners won’t know to look for that can have […]
Pet Dander in HVAC? Maintenance Tips for Davis Pet Owners
Like people all over the country, Davisites take pet ownership pretty seriously. Dogs and cats are often as much a part of the family as anybody else, and whether you’re walking your dog downtown or getting their check-ups at the vet, we know they’re near and dear to your heart. Considering that the UC […]