Choosing Window and Portable Air Conditioners for Your Vacaville Home
Even if you’ve never used them yourself, you’ve probably seen them in movies and TV shows — miniature AC units stuffed into the window of an apartment or workshed. Usually depicted as unreliable and breaking down, often a source of consternation, these methods of air conditioning get a bad rap. But they’re not just for low-rent […]
Furnace Repair, Modesto: Call A Pro Heating-Cooling Company
It probably won’t surprise you to hear that fans are a huge part of your HVAC system. They’re what push the air around your home in the ducts, and that’s a big deal. So when something goes wrong with the fans, it can be a real problem. We’ll go over some common complaints we’ve addressed […]
Now Is the Time to Get an Air Conditioner Tune-Up in Sacramento
If you’re not using your AC yet, you soon will be, and as we leave winter behind in the Valley, we’re seeing more and more Sacramentans starting to think about their air conditioning. Now is a great time to be thinking about an air conditioner tune-up—just as you should get your furnace checked in […]
Are Those Furnace Noises Just Normal? When to Call About HVAC Rattles and Whines
When you consider the mechanics of an HVAC system, it seems like the kind of thing that could make some noise: heating up a bunch of air and pushing it through enclosed ducts so it can be delivered around the home could alarm any homeowner. But we’re often surprised when we go on routine […]
Spring Cleaning In Sacramento: It’s Time To Have HVAC Serviced
We love spring, and it’s coming round the bend here in the Valley! That means even more rain on top of what we’ve already had this year, but it also means warmer temperatures and perhaps the first hints of the summer to come. If it’s anything like last year it’ll be a scorcher and we’ll […]
Flu Season and Your HVAC: Stay Healthier This Winter by Improving Your Home Air Quality
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As we read last month, cold and flu season is upon us, and many homeowners here in the valley are feeling a little (or a lot) under the weather. And while they go to the doctor or pick up over-the-counter cold remedies, lots of people overlook one of the key factors when it comes […]
Furnace Tune Up for Upcoming Winter
Saving money this winter means saving energy in your home. By taking a few measures at home and adjusting your usage, you can lower your energy use and thus your utility costs. A furnace Tune Up from Bell Brothers Plumbing, Heating and Air is a good start. As the leading HVAC contractor in the Sacramento […]