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Understanding how a furnace operates is the key to purchasing the right one for your home. It involves the movement of a fluid that is heated using air, steam, or water in order to heat the interior of your home. Currently, natural gas is still the most commonly used fuel for heating the fluid. However, there are still some units that use coal, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas, or wood to heat the fluid. Occasionally, electrical resistance is used in the heating process. The system has to be vented because of the exhaust fumes that result when these fuels burn.

Heating homes with coal or wood is on the decline. This is especially true in areas where newer homes are located. Traditionally, exhaust fumes, gases, and even heat were vented from the home using a chimney. The more modern furnaces are extremely energy-efficient (98% efficient). The gases can be vented simply by using a small tube instead of a chimney. Older homes can be retrofitted to acommodate central heating and air systems.

There are two basic categories of modern furnaces that are currently available – the condensing and the non-condensing types. The condensing types are 89% efficient or even higher in some cases, as they condense the water vapor that is available in the exhaust. The downside is that corrosion is an issue with the condensing type of furnace, as the condensation is highly acidic in nature. In most cases, the water is removed using a condensate pump. Additionally, condensing units save you up to 35% in heating costs.

Control, distribution, and heating are the separate categories of components that each system conta

ins. The draft inducer draws the flames from the ignited burner into the heat exchanger by employing negative pressure. The inducer blower draws the cooled gases into it and then pushes them into the venting pipes. The vent pipes carry the gases out of the house, and then the warm air flows throughout the home through the duct system.

Most modern heating systems use fans to circulate the air while it pulls the cooler air back into the unit. This is referred to as forced-air heating. A benefit of these warm air units is that they enable the installation of central air conditioning at a very cost-effective price. If they are not properly sealed during the installation process, these warm air heaters will eventually start losing heat.

There are other things to consider when you are trying to decide on the right furnace for your home. However, the above information should help you in the decision-making process. If you have questions, please call Bell Brothers at 1-877-328-7499 or visit our web site at

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