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Harmful Indoor Air Pollutants You Should Worry About

%title% | Bell Brothers

It’s easy to get a little paranoid when it comes to the chemicals, microorganisms, and pollutants floating around our indoor spaces. Is there carbon monoxide in the air? Offgassing from drywall or particle board? And what about biological contaminants, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)? While we don’t want to overreact, there is definitely cause […]

Is The Ventilation In Your Home Efficient? – Bell Brothers

Is The Ventilation In Your Home Efficient? Adequate ventilation and fresh air have more benefits for the occupants of the home than just physical comfort. A sufficient quantity of healthy air is extremely important, as is proper air circulation. This article will address some of the benefits of good air circulation, as well as issues […]

Dust Mites Vs Homeowners

Many people don’t know that the common dust mite can be the trigger for an asthma attack. Mites live in the dust that accumulates in your home. The allergen that creates a person’s breathing problems is excrement from the mite. Dust mites produce  feces up to 20 times each day. The feces are light enough to […]

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice

At Bell Brothers, we are committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to our websites. In recognition of this commitment, we are in the process of making modifications to increase the accessibility and usability of this website, using the relevant portions of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) as our standard. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have difficulty using this website or with a particular web page or function on this site, please contact us by phone at (916) 694-1293; or email us at ([email protected]) and place “Web Content Accessibility (ADA)” in the subject heading and we will make all reasonable efforts to assist you.

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