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The Importance of Preparing Your Air Conditioner for Summer

I love a good underdog sports movie. You know the type: a scrappy group of kids or slightly dysfunctional adults have to come together for some inspiring reason so that they can prove themselves and triumph over a bad guy team with a major advantage. These types of movies, I…

How to Tell If My Plumbing Vent Is Clogged: The Top Signs and Symptoms

In plumbing, the problems that homeowners tend to call a plumber about fall into one of two distinct categories: very serious or very visible. If there’s a leak in a bathroom or kitchen sink, homeowners tend to call. If they have a clogged toilet, they call. If they have sewage…

Does Sacramento Have Hard Water? What Homeowners Should Know

I went through a “rock” phase when I was a kid. I’m not talking about punk rock or heavy metal, though I’ve always liked blasting guitar riffs from my speakers. I’m talking about the year we spent studying minerals and rocks in Earth Science class. After the first lesson, I…

Should I Turn My Furnace Off in the Summer (and Other Seasonal HVAC Questions)

One of the things I love most about living in the Sacramento area is that, unlike in some other parts of the state, we get to experience four distinct seasons here. With our Mediterranean climate, we have hot and dry summers, wet and chilly winters, and the beautiful fall and…

The Best Plumbing Leak Detection and Repair in Sacramento

Bell Brothers is the go-to expert plumbing leak detection and repair company in Sacramento. We offer professional, timely service, maintenance, and repair for any pipe problem. Get in touch with our No Surprise Guys today and we’ll be happy to come take a look at the plumbing leak, backup, or…

3 Warning Signs of a Main Sewer Line Clog

In life, there are good surprises and there are bad surprises. We’ve all had good surprises—old friends calling when we’re having a lousy day, finding $10 in a pair of jeans, or receiving the perfect gift on our birthdays. Sadly, we’ve all also had bad surprises, like cars that won’t…

Who Makes the Best Replacement Windows for California Homes?

I talk to enough homeowners in my line of work as a window installation expert to know that picking out products these days—whether you’re buying a new TV or a new set of windows—is more stressful than it’s ever been before. The world wide web of online shopping has opened…