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benefits of replacing old windowsHave you ever heard this old saying? “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold.” I know I have. My mom used to say it all the time when I was a little kid, and I’ve definitely found it to be more and more true the older I get.

When it comes to taking care of your home, though, you’re going to want to forget all about that sentiment. Simply put, there’s rarely a time that keeping things like old HVAC units, insulation, and windows in place makes sense. In fact, replacing them is your best move.

This is especially true considering the new innovations in heating, cooling, and windows that are available today and designed to be much more energy-efficient, lowering your heating and cooling costs pretty significantly. So, on that note, today I want to talk to you about the three big benefits of replacing the old windows in your home for new, energy-efficient ones. They’ll help you keep your silver and your gold.

The Top 3 Benefits of Replacing Old Windows in Your Home

I’ve talked a lot about how old, rickety single pane windows can be a huge drain on a home’s energy usage. Not only do they just not look as nice, single panes allow for a lot of heat transfer through the glass, cooling your home when you want it to be warm and heating it up during those scalding summer months when you just want to chill out. You’d be surprised at how many homeowners I meet who really just aren’t aware of this, or of any of the benefits of swapping out their old windows with new, efficient ones. While I could probably give you a million reasons, I’m going to focus on the top three.

Here are the three biggest benefits of replacing old windows with energy-efficient ones:

  1. Increased curb appeal
  2. Better sound dampening
  3. Lower energy bills

Benefit #1: Increased Curb Appeal

why you should replace old single pane windowsReplacing old windows with beautiful, glossy, heavy-duty double pane windows is like giving your home a makeover—especially if you add in some beautiful bay or bow windows to your home for extra pizazz. New windows totally refresh your home’s look, giving it major curb appeal, which is not only pleasing for your eyes, but it’s pleasing to your pocketbook if you ever want to sell it.

Some estimates say that you can expect an 84% return on your window investment at the time of resale.

Did you know that new, double pane windows could actually increase the value of your home pretty significantly? Some estimates say that you can expect an 84% return on your window investment at the time of resale. Not too shabby, huh?

Benefit #2: Better Sound Dampening

If you long for a quieter, more peaceful home, then you should definitely consider replacing your windows. Old single pane windows do very, very little for blocking out sound—unlike their double pane counterparts, which can reduce the transmission of sound significantly.

The airspace between the two panes acts as a cushion, dampening outdoor sounds significantly and preventing sounds generated inside your home from escaping. This means that not only will your home be quieter, with less irritating sounds of traffic and construction, you can also sing at the top of your lungs in the shower without worrying about waking up the neighbors. It really is a win-win.

If sound reduction is a big deal for you, just make sure to choose a window with a sound transmission class (STC) rating of about 40-43 and an outdoor-indoor transmission class (OITC) rating of around 36. Don’t know what any of this means? I suggest getting a local window expert to help you choose the right sound-proof windows for your home.

Benefit #3: Lower Energy Bills

Believe it or not, windows play a huge role in your home’s energy efficiency. As I mentioned above, single pane windows allow heat to transfer across the pane, but energy-efficient double pane windows prevent this from happening by acting as an insulator. This means your new windows can help to better regulate the temperature inside your home, keeping it nice and comfy for you and your family.

In fact, if your new energy-efficient double pane windows are properly installed by a window expert, they could save you as much as $340 a year in heating and cooling costs.

Plus, a regulated indoor climate means that your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard trying to maintain a consistent temperature in your home, which may improve it’s lifespan—and will definitely lower your energy bills. In fact, if your new energy-efficient double pane windows are properly installed by a window expert, they could save you as much as $340 a year in heating and cooling costs.

How to Finance Your New Energy-Efficient Replacement Windows

As you now know, replacing your old windows with new energy-efficient ones can be incredibly advantageous. It does, however, cost money, and the thought of forking out a bunch of cash, even if it is for something as important as new windows, can be a little prohibitive.

California window rebates can save you as much as $3000, so if you’re considering new windows, you’re definitely going to want to take advantage of these.

Luckily, there are a bunch of wonderful incentive, rebate, and loan programs here in California that make it easier for homeowners to make energy-efficient upgrades, like installing new windows, to their homes. In fact, California window rebates can save you as much as $3000, so if you’re considering new windows, you’re definitely going to want to take advantage of these.

The easiest way for you to learn more about these window rebates, and which ones may be available for you, is by working with an experienced window installation expert, like the friendly folks at Bell Brothers. They’ll be able to come and do a free assessment of your home, help you find the right windows for your needs, and determine which rebates you should apply for. Heck, they’ll even help you with the application itself! There really has never been a better time to invest in new windows—and if you do, you could be enjoying your beautiful, quiet, comfy home and a lower energy bill before you know it.

At Bell Brothers, our trained window installation experts would be happy to help make your home more energy-efficient by replacing your old windows with new, double pane, energy-efficient windows. Contact us today to schedule a free in-home consultation.

Wondering how to finance new windows to replace the old? HERO is a unique financing option that helps California homeowners afford energy-efficient upgrades to their home. Contact Bell Brothers, a HERO-approved contractor, to learn more. Our local HVAC, plumbing, and window specialists will walk you through the entire process, from applications to installation.

Image courtesy Yastremska

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