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Did you know that new plumbing pipes that fit your home’s needs can actually save you money and expand the life of your plumbing system? Having the right kind of pipes will make your plumbing system reliable. Here you will learn everything you need to know about the various types of material available, the benefits of each, and signs that you need a pipe replacement.

How Do I Know I Need New Pipes?

When your pipes need to be replaced there will be some signs. Below are some signs that a pipe replacement is needed in your home plumbing system.


● Strange Water Color – If you notice a brown tint to your water, it is most likely due to corrosion in your pipes. The only thing that can be done about corroded pipes is a pipe replacement.

● Your Water Smells Bad – An odd, bad smell can occur to your water due to mold and mildew building up inside the pipes. Refrain from using and drinking this water until you have the pipes replaced.

● Water Pressure Is Low – Clogs and leaks in your plumbing system will cause your water pressure to drop. If you’ve tried at-home remedies or even had a plumber come to fix it but it continually happens, a pipe replacement may be the best option.

● Your Water Drains Very Slow – Clogs in your pipes will cause the water to drain slowly. If your pipes have corrosion present then clogs are more likely to occur.

● Leaky Fixtures or Pipes – If your water bill has soared in recent months it is likely that there is a leak somewhere in your plumbing system. You will also be able to tell there is a leak by noticing water around the fixtures or damp spots behind walls and appliances.

What Kind Of Pipes Options Are Available?

There are a variety of different kinds of pipe materials to choose from when considering a pipe replacement.


A common material used for small commercial buildings or residential homes is PEX. This type of pipe has a much easier installation and maintenance process which can make a massive difference if you plan to install them yourself.

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Although the upfront cost of PEX pipes is more expensive they are a great option for a long-term investment. Due to the plastic kind of material that PEX is composed of it is very important to only use them indoors and the UV rays of the sun will strip the outside layer from the pipe.


Copper may be one of the best and the most commonly used kinds of pipes to use for your home plumbing system. They are durable and corrosion-resistant and can also handle temperature fluctuations and extreme temperatures which allows them to have a wide variety of uses.

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This kind of pipe is best installed by a professional since the copper piping will need to be soldered together. If other pipe materials are used along with the copper pipes, additional fittings are required.


Galvanized pipes were at one point the most commonly used pipe material in residential buildings. But as plumbing technology has advanced these kinds of pipes are not used as often anymore. The reason they decreased in popularity is because they are small in diameter which causes low water pressure. They also tend to accumulate rust much easier than other pipe materials.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is considered to be the most upscale option for piping. This is because it is durable, corrosion-resistant, flexible, and dependable. But because of the great benefits this material provides, it is also much more expensive.

The installation process for stainless steel pipes is also more difficult due to them needing specific coupling to be able to attach to other pipes. It is most commonly used in more vulnerable areas where it is difficult to place insulation.


PVC pipes are a versatile option as they come in a wide range of configurations and thicknesses and can be used for many different plumbing needs. They also tend to be cheaper and the installation process is much easier. Even though they have wide use, they are not usually seen as a permanent solution.


Brass pipes have less friction on the inside which is great if you want to avoid low water pressure. And because brass pipes are composed of zinc and copper they are basically rust-proof and are considered to be one of the longest-lasting kinds of pipes. They are best used inside walls, for hot water distribution, pump fittings, and water tanks.

Cast Iron

Cast iron piping is usually used in large buildings since they are the heaviest-duty pipe that there is. Typically, they are used in underground plumbing systems and are used for the main pipe or drainage system.

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Next Steps After You’ve Chosen Your New Pipes

Now that you have a better idea of what kind of plumbing pipes you want to be used in your pipe replacement, it’s time to schedule an installation with a licensed plumber.
The Bell Bros. team is ready to help make your pipe installation smooth. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

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