As a window repair professional, I can tell you that there are varying degrees of window issues. There are, of course, the ones you know that you need to fix immediately. These are generally caused by a stray throw of a ball or some other unexpected flying calamity, often brought on by a youngster. When you have visibly broken glass, you know right away that you need to make a call to your friendly neighbor window installation and repair company.
There are also reasons that your windows might need to be replaced or repaired that are a whole heck of a lot of harder to pinpoint, though. These are the scenarios where the glass doesn’t break or shatter or otherwise show an easy-to-spot issue at all. The list of these problems includes old age, poor sealing, and imperceptible cracks in the frames. It can be pretty dang tricky to figure out that you need repairs in those cases.
That’s why I’m here today to talk about how to tell if you need new windows, which is a great topic to visit during spring in Sacramento because you’re going to want to make sure your windows can help keep the cool air from your HVAC sealed in your house this summer. New windows have an effect on so many things in your home, from the cost of your monthly utility bills to the overall value of your property to how much noise seeps in from outside. Making sure yours are actually doing their job can make a huge difference in both your wallet and your quality of life.
How to Tell If You Need New Windows: Two Easy Tests
Simply put, the easiest way to tell if it’s time to replace or repair your windows is to pay close attention. On a chilly spring morning, stand next to your window in your pajamas and see if it happens to feel colder in that spot than the rest of your house. Or, better yet, on a rainy day check to see if there is condensation on the glass. Chilly spots and condensation only tend to occur when the sealing on your windows has become weakened and air is easily passing from outside your home in.
Chilly spots and condensation only tend to occur when the sealing on your windows has become weakened and air is easily passing from outside your home in.
There’s a reason condensation forms on windows. Just think about sitting outside on your patio with a cold glass of lemonade. You know how all that water starts running down the side of it? That’s because the glass is cold, but the air is hot. The same thing happens with your windows—but not if they are in good shape and perfectly sealed.
Watch Your Bills to Tell If You Need New Windows
The single easiest way to figure out that your windows might need to be repaired or replaced is to pay careful attention to your monthly utility bills, especially as compared to what those bills cost you at the same time last year. Energy rates have gone up a bit in our area, but certainly not enough to make a large difference on your bill.
When insulation starts to get spotty, or window frames develop cracks that let the air in your home seep out, your HVAC system has to work harder to generate more conditioned air to keep your home cool. The harder your HVAC system works, the more energy it uses—and up go your utility bills. Depending on how old or battered your windows have become, you could start to notice a pretty significant difference on your bill this spring and summer.
Why Double Pane Windows Are Your Best Option When It’s Time for a Replacement
If you’ve noticed condensation or chilly spots, or if your utility bills have been going up and up, it’s time to get new windows this spring or summer. I highly recommend investing in some new double-pane windows. As the name suggests, energy efficient double pane windows are made up of two panes of glass, either tempered or laminated, held in a single frame. But rather than sitting tightly against one another, the panes are separated. This cavity between them, which is created by spacers, is either a sealed vacuum or is filled with a non-toxic gas like argon. The size of this cavity typically ranges from a quarter to three-quarters of an inch thick.
One last bit of wisdom today: The needs of individual houses vary a great deal, which is why getting custom windows put in by a local window installation team is always your best option.
Dual pane, double glazing, and insulating glass are other common names for double pane windows. All of them have the same construction of an insulating cavity sandwiched between two panes. And that kind of insulation can really help to lower your bills. One last bit of wisdom today: The needs of individual houses vary a great deal, which is why getting custom windows put in by a local window installation team is always your best option.
So, there you have it, just a few easy ways to tell when it’s time to get your windows repaired or replaced. You’ll, of course, want to get a dependable window contractor to handle such an important job, and that’s why I recommend going with Bell Brothers.
We have years of experience working with homeowners in Sacramento and the surrounding area, and we know all the ins and outs of helping you pick out the exact right windows for your home. We’re also one of the most experienced companies for custom window jobs in Northern California.
At Bell Brothers, our trained HVAC professionals would love to help you install the best custom windows for your unique home. Contact us today to schedule a free in-home consultation.
Wondering how to finance your home upgrades—like new double pane windows? HERO is a unique financing option that helps California homeowners afford energy efficient upgrades to their home. Contact Bell Brothers, a HERO-approved contractor, to learn more. Our local HVAC, plumbing, and window specialists will walk you through the entire process, from applications to installation.
Image courtesy evgeny atamanenko