Our Blogs

What HVAC Filter Do I Need? We Have the Answers
There are so many different types of HVAC filters it could make a person’s head spin. When it comes to the question of what HVAC

Types of Pipes Used in Home Plumbing
Modern plumbing makes use of a lot of different materials for piping, all for different reasons. When you’re weighing options from a professional plumber, it’s

Complete Guide to Cleaning Windows
No matter how much of a neat freak you are, windows accumulate dust and grime on the inside and outside. You can clean them, but

Common Water Heater Repairs
There’s no nightmare quite like hopping in the shower on a Monday morning before work and feeling a blistering cold stream of water instead of

What to do if Heater is not Working but Thermostat Is?
The weather in Sacramento and the Bay Area can be described as mostly mild. However, winter temperatures can be cold, especially by California standards. There’s

10 Ways to Reduce Heating Bills this Winter
The cold weather is just starting to creep up on us, which means it’s almost time to turn on the furnace. Unfortunately, we hear a

Window Types and Shapes
Your options when it comes to window types and shapes are nearly limitless here at Bell Brothers. We believe in providing our customers with as

Why do I Need 2 Plungers?
Chances are you have just 1 plunger in your household. Most likely, it’s sitting next to your toilet ready for the clog to happen. But

Why is My Home’s Heating Not Working?
One of the worst things to come home to after a cold, rainy winter day is realizing your home heat isn’t working. At Bell Brothers,

Protect Your Plumbing from an Earthquake
Last month we talked about how to protect your HVAC from an earthquake, this month we’re focusing on plumbing. The issue with plumbing is that

Top Benefits of Double Pane Windows
We hear a lot of Sacramento homeowners asking about double pane windows. They often ask us if how they can save money with double pane

6 Reasons You Should Install a Smart Thermostat in Your Home
Is a smart thermostat really worth it? Does a smart thermostat actually save money? We hear questions every day about smart thermostats, and the experts