There’s nothing like fall, it’s one of our favorite seasons. With fall comes crisp weather, crunchy leaves and all things pumpkin spice. This season marks a transition from summer to winter, and with that transition comes some important things you should do to your home. Preparing your home for fall can be as easy as carving a pumpkin or putting up festive decorations, with some helpful tips from the Bell Brothers. We all know how temperatures in the Central Valley can swing from one extreme to the other, that’s why we’re sharing some easy things you do can do prepare your home for fall.
Check Your Batteries and Insulation
Your safety should be the number one priority, that’s why we put checking your batteries and insulated pipework at the top of this list. Before you do anything else, check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detector. Make sure they’re all in good working order and ready for the coming season. Additionally, it’s important to check any insulated pipes or lines on the exterior of your house. For example, the freon line in your outdoor condenser unit should always have proper insulation around it. This help make sure any exposed piping or lines are safe from the winter weather.
Weather Seal Your Windows
You can lose a lot of treated air through your windows—between 25% and 30%. One of the best ways to prepare your home for fall is to visually inspect your windows and window frames. When you lose air through drafty windows, it forces you HVAC system to work twice as hard to produce the same amount of air. This has a direct effect on your utility bills, it makes them go sky high. One of the best ways to prepare for fall is to do a quick window inspection. Are your windows tough to open? Are you seeing condensation between the two panes? If the answers to this question are yes, it might be time to consider new windows. If everything looks ok, you may just need to add a weather strip.
Don’t Forget a Tune-Up
One of the best things you can do for your home comfort is to schedule a furnace tune-up. After a season of lying dormant, it’s important to ensure your system is ready for the fall and winter. During our 18-point tune-up and professional cleaning, a certified HVAC technician will test your system for leaks, damages, and any repairs that may need to be made. You can also ask about a new air filter. After a season of use with your air conditioner. It is definitely time to replace your filter.
Prepare Your Home for Fall with Bell Brothers
Have you schedule your furnace tune-up yet? Remember, it’s never too early to ensure your system is in tip top shape. The HVAVC technicians are Bell Brothers are expertly trained and ready for any job that may come their way. We provide the best in HVAC, window, and plumbing service to Sacramento, Vacaville, and Stockton homeowners. To schedule your own 5-star service, call the number at the top of the screen.