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This is the Year!

insulation for homes in warm weatherI have a little seasonal ritual that I go through every year. Each May, I take the umbrellas out of my coat closet and from the back of my car and I store them in my garage. Some folks might consider this risky. What if, for example, I’m out driving one day and I get caught in a sudden summer rainstorm? Well, those folks clearly haven’t lived in the Sacramento region.

Here in Sacramento, we have hot and dry summers where rain simply isn’t a risk, not even a little one. In fact, I’ve lived here most of my life and can count on one hand the times I remember rain falling from late May through early September. There are some real meteorological reasons for this, but the practical fact of the matter is, it doesn’t rain during summer. Sacramento’s Mediterranean climate doesn’t mean you can ignore some of the other seasonal tips for homeowners, though, including investing in insulation designed for homes in warm weather.

That’s what I’d like to talk about here today, actually: the best insulation to install for homes in warm weather climates like the one we face here each and every summer, but that see rainy, chilly autumns, winters, and springs. Let’s look at what this means for the way you should insulate your Northern California house.

Insulation for Homes in Sacramento’s Warm Weather Climate

best year round warm weather insulationWe touched on this a bit above, but when it comes to picking out the best insulation for homes in warm weather, one of the first steps is for you to know the climate where you live inside and out. Obviously, you’ve likely experienced the hot and dry summers in our region, as well as the subsequent wet and rainy winters, but what you might not know is that this is all part of something known as a Mediterranean climate.

Mediterranean climates are characterized by hot, dry summers followed by cool, wet winters. You can probably guess why this climate is called Mediterranean, because it’s the same climate that they have in areas near the Mediterranean Sea. It can also be found in a smattering of other places across the globe, including right here in Northern California.

The Best Year-Round Home Insulation Choice for a Mediterranean Climate

Now, we’ve talked in the past about the best attic insulation for Mediterranean climates, but I think some of what was said there bears repeating and updating. There are, of course, still three main type of insulation for homes in warm weather Mediterranean climates to pick from, including:

  • Loose insulation: This insulation is made of cellulose, and I tend to see it a lot in older homes. I don’t, however, often see it used much anymore. It’s cheap, to be certain, but it tends to settle over time, which means that its insulating power deteriorates as it ages. Since our weather is fairly consistent, you’ll probably want a longer term option for your home—unless your keen on paying to get your insulation updated frequently.
  • Fiberglass batting: I’m a much bigger fan of fiberglass batting for homes in warm weather Mediterranean climates because it’s easy to install and it’s also waterproof. So, for hot or cold, rainy or dry weather—it works. This is typically my choice for most new homes in our Northern California region, as it’s great for helping regulate home temperatures in both summer and winter, which is important in Sacramento.
  • Blown-in insulation: This last type of insulation has a long lifespan and, although it’s more expensive, it’s often worth using for historic homes that have unique features that make areas hard to reach with other types of insulation. Blown-in insulation also seals air leaks nicely and reinforces the strength of frames, making it a solid support for aging wood. It’s really quite tricky to install, though, so I definitely don’t endorse going DIY for this one. Instead, have an experienced professional come in and do the job for you.

How to Install Insulation in Your Sacramento, CA Home

As I touched on above, I think the best choice overall is to work with a trained insulation professional. Installing insulation can seem easy enough. It is, however, precise work with little margin of error, especially if your goal is to avoid leakage and increase energy efficiency at home.

Installing insulation can seem easy enough. It is, however, precise work with little margin of error, especially if your goal is to avoid leakage and increase energy efficiency at home.

That’s why I suggest enlisting the aid of a trained insulation professional. A local insulation company can make sure your job is done to perfection, eliminating any potential for leaks or future inefficiencies. They can also suggest the right insulation choice for a warm weather Mediterranean climate, as well as for the specifications of your unique home. I always admire the DIY spirit, but this is one job I suggest leaving to the pros.

Insulation is important in a Mediterranean climate—during both the hot and dry summer and the wet and rainy winter. Our special conditions here in Northern California also make some types of insulation more effective than others. That is all to say that I highly recommend enlisting the aid of an experienced local insulation company to help you get your home sealed.

Here at Bell Brothers, we’re a local insulation company that’s been working in this community for many years. We’re well-equipped to find the best insulation choice for a warm weather climate as well as for the many different shapes of sizes of homes in our region. Give us a call today!

At Bell Brothers, we’re more than happy to be your go-to HVAC company for any questions about how to reduce your gas bill in the summer or winter through insulation or any number of other options. And we can even help you schedule maintenance checks and estimates for energy efficiency projects. Contact our team today to schedule a free in-home consultation.

Wondering how to finance a new furnace, or maybe even new windows and plumbing? HERO is a unique financing option that helps California homeowners afford energy efficient upgrades to their home. Contact Bell Brothers, a HERO-approved contractor, to learn more. Our local HVAC, plumbing, and window specialists will walk you through the entire process, from applications to installation.

Image courtesy JacobLund

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