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How to Tell If You Need New Windows This Spring

As a window repair professional, I can tell you that there are varying degrees of window issues. There are, of course, the ones you know that you need to fix immediately. These are generally caused by a stray throw of a ball or some other unexpected flying calamity, often brought…

How to Choose the Best Plumbing Contractors in Sacramento

Bell Brothers is the best of the best when it comes to plumbing contractors in Sacramento. We offer professional, timely service, maintenance, and repairs for any home plumbing job. Get in touch with our No Surprise Guys today and we’ll be happy to come take a look at your Sacramento…

The 411 on Air Conditioning Repair in Stockton, CA

Homeowners in Stockton, CA can give Bell Brothers a call for air conditioning repair, maintenance, and replacement. Our team of experienced HVAC professionals will keep your AC running strong all summer long. Just give the No Surprise Guys a call for a free in-home estimate at 916-226-9799. Or, use our…

5 Tips for Starting Up Your AC After Winter

We all tend to play favorites in life. For example, my own personal all-time favorite thing to do after a long, hard day at work is to relax in my worn-in easy chair. But, if I’ve had a day or two to lounge around the house, my favorite thing in…

Why Double Pane Window Condensation Could Mean Trouble

Homeowners are an inquisitive bunch, at least in my experience. Maybe it’s because I’m an expert on window installation and repair, but they always seem to have plenty of questions for me. One of the most common things they ask me is about how they can tell when it’s time…

“Why Is My AC Blowing Hot Air?” Don in Vacaville Asks an HVAC Expert

Don in Vacaville has what we in the heating and cooling business call a nightmarish AC scenario. He writes: “As I’m sure you’ve noticed lately, our Northern California weather has started to get hot again. I, for one, am always flabbergasted by how quickly this happens. It seems like one…

Why Attic Insulation in Sacramento Homes Is a Must

An old friend of mine recently had some trouble courtesy of some unwelcome guests in her attic: rats. She lives in downtown Sacramento where there have been construction projects going on like crazy in the past few years, from apartment buildings to fancy hotels to the new Kings arena. Apparently,…

The Best Way to Clear a Clogged Sewer Line

The other day, I was watching a Sacramento Kings game with my next door neighbor. It was a close matchup, and he was on the edge of his seat for every play. I guess I must not have been reacting quite as strongly as he was because at one point…

An Expert’s HVAC Checklist for Preventive Maintenance

I recently went out and bought myself a cool new pair of white shoes. As I was paying for them, the clerk gave me a hard sell on one of those sneaker protection kits. It included a spray to keep my sneakers all white and shiny and free of stains….